2013 Year
- 2013. NOVEMBER Smart Grid Conference(Ocean suites Hotel)
- 2013. NOVEMBER Elico Oil 10th Anniversary Event
- 2013. NOVEMBER Paricipated in 2013 taipei MICE Show
- 2013. OCTOBER The Protocol Event for invited Buyer on The 2nd ROHAS fair
- 2013. OCTOBER Hongkong international school 6D5N Jeju tour
- 2013. SEPTEMBER Participated in GITF(Garuda International Travel Fair) 2013 in Indonesia
- 2013. SEPTEMBER Participated in MATTA FAIR 2013(Malaysia International Travel Fair)
- 2013. AUGUST Participated in NATAS 2013(Singapore International travel Fair)
- 2013. AUGUST International Rice Blast Conference 2013(Ramada Hotel in Jeju)
- 2013. AUGUST Korea&japan blood vessel Conference(Hyatt Hotel)
- 2013. JUNE IZMM2013(6th International Zeolite Membrane Meeting)
- 2013. JUNE Participated in The 27th International Travel Expo(ITE HK 2013), HONGKONG
- 2013. JUNE Participated in KOREA MICE EXPO 2013(COEX, Seoul
- 2013. MAY ABA(8th Asian Biophysics Association) Symposium 2013
- 2013. MAY Korea Testing Certification Center Incentive Tour
- 2013. APRIL Samsung Electronics Incentive Tour
- 2013. APRIL Participated in IT&CM China(Shanghai,China) 2013
- 2013. APRIL Selected as the "Saturday Academic Excursion Program" by Korea Tourism Organization
- 2013. MARCH 2013 International Healthy Drinking Water Symposium
- 2013. MARCH launched 'YEHABUSTOUR' brand name(Daily tour)
- 2013. MARCH Participated in Astindo Fair(Indonesia Jakarta) 2013
- 2013. MARCH Participated in China GIFF(Guangzhou) 2013 Travel Expo
- 2013. MARCH Participated in Malaysia MATTA Fair 2013 Travel Mart(Spring)
- 2013. FEBRUARY Participated in Singapore NATAS 2013 Travel Mart(Spring)
- 2013. JANUARY INNO OPTICAL Teambuilding
2012 Year
- 2012. DECEMBER Kyobo Life Insurance Pohang Area Support Team Teambuilding
- 2012. DECEMBER Vison 2013 ceremony(Ramada Plaza Jeju)
- 2012. NOVEMBER YEHA Service mark registration
- 2012. NOVEMBER Handong Global University International Exchange Program
- 2012. NOVEMBER Medical Society VIP Tour
- 2012. OCTOBER Awarded "The Excellence Tour Service in Mice department" by the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province.
- 2012. OCTOBER 63th Korea Food Nutrition Society Annual Conference
- 2012. OCTOBER Unico Logistics Workshop(Teambuilding and Jeju Tour)
- 2012. SEPTEMBER KNU(Kyunpook National University) Tour
- 2012. SEPTEMBER Participated in Malaysia MATTA Fair 2012 Travel Mart
- 2012. AUGUST YEHA Guesthouse Jeju City Hall open
- 2012. AUGUST YEHA Guesthouse Service mark registration
- 2012. AUGUST Participated in Singapore NATAS Holiday 2012 Travel Mart Autumn
- 2012. MAY Certified as 2012~13 Excellent Travel Product by Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism(English/Chinese Daily Tour)
- 2012. MAY Journalists Federation of Korea Tour
- 2012. MAY Gucci Korea Incentive Tour
- 2012. APRIL Participated in 2012 Shanghai IT&CM China
- 2012. APRIL Participated in Jeju MICE Product Sales call
- 2012. APRIL Boa Guesthouse open in Seoul(Support operating and consulting)
- 2012. APRIL Launched Jeju MICE Homepage 'YEHA IMP'
- 2012. MARCH Selected by Excellent Enterprise of Zest Air
- 2012. MARCH Participated in Malaysia MATTA Fair 2012 Travel Mart Spring
- 2012. MARCH Selected by MICE Product Upgrade and operator Enterprise
- 2012. FEBRUARY Participated in Singapore NATAS Holiday 2012 Travel Mart Spring
- 2012. FEBRUARY Launched Daily Tour new course for foreigner
- 2012. FEBRUARY Designated as members of KOREA MICE Alliance
2011 Year
- 2011. DECEMBER Declaration of Vision 2012 (Ramada Jeju Hotel)
- 2011. DECEMBER Established of YEHA IMP(International Mice Planner)
- 2011. NOVEMBER Registered of International Conference Planning(PCO)
- 2011. NOVEMBER Participated in Taipei International Travel Mart 2011
- 2011. NOVEMBER Coca-Cola (Shanghai) Incentive Tour & Team Building
- 2011. NOVEMBER Pusan National University Incentive Tour
- 2011. NOVEMBER Demonstrated Team Building for International Green MICE Week participants
- 2011. NOVEMBER Awarded Outstanding Business Enterprise by Jeju Special Self-Governing Province - Yeha Tours
- 2011. OCTOBER Started selling Boracay Airtel Product
- 2011. OCTOBER Selected as Jeju Technoparks [Smart theme tours business development and operational support]
- 2011. OCTOBER Yeha Tour selected as "Excellent Tourism Businesses" by Korean national Tourism Organization
- 2011. OCTOBER Mongolian National Statistical Office staff Incentive Tour
- 2011. OCTOBER Germany buyers of Samsung Electronics Incentive Tour
- 2011. OCTOBER Established a Seoul based Business Office
- 2011. SEPTEMBER Participated in Singapore NATAS Holiday 2011 Travel Mart Fall
- 2011. SEPTEMBER Participated in China Shanghai Travel Roadshow 2011
- 2011. AUGUST Jeju headquarters extension transfer
- 2011. AUGUST Participated in Malaysia MATTA FAIR 2011 Travel Mart Fall
- 2011. AUGUST Selected Chinese Travel Agency by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
- 2011. JULY Yeha Guest House selected as "Good stay Accommodation" by Korea national Tourism Organization
- 2011. JULY Sisley China Incentive Tour
- 2011. APRIL HUB Tour Malaysia Incentive Tour
- 2011. FEBRUARYParticipated in Singapore NATAS Holiday 2011 Travel Mart Spring
- 2011. FEBRUARYNominated for an Outstanding Tour Product by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism - English Day Tour / Chinese Day Tour
2010 Year
- 2010. DECEMBER Awarded for 'an outstanding travel agency' by Korea Airports Corporation
- 2010. DECEMBER Awarded by the Governor of Jeju.
- 2010. SEPTEMBER Awarded Outstanding Lodge Facilities "Good Stay" by Korea Tourism Organization
2009 Year
- 2009. NOVEMBER launched 'Chinese Day tour'
- 2009. JULY New Guesthouse open in Jeju city
- 2009. MARCH Select by presidng company of 'Exxon Mobil Asia-Pacific International Conference'
- 2009. JANUARY Organized MICE exclusive attraction
2008 Year
- 2008. NOVEMBER Selected by 'the Herald business' as an outstanding private enterprise to provide the key to a successful future.
- 2008. JULY Started 'English Day tour' for foreign tourists as the Jeju's first inbound tour agency.
- 2008. JULY Multinational Tour Enterprise infrastructure established for English, Chinese, and Japanese etc.
- 2008. JULY Established the first foreigner F.I.T special tour enterprise (Yeha Tour.)
2007 Year
- 2007. JULY Start of running the first guesthouse for foreigners on Jeju Island